#neural networks

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designboom | architecture & design magazine
4 days ago
OMG science

google AI and harvard researchers release detailed images of human brain using 3D mapping

Detailed images of human brain and neural networks created using AI and 3D mapping. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Why OpenAI might be hedging its bets on quantum AI

Quantum computing may help address AI's computational needs
Quantum computing can enhance efficiency of training large AI models. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Google DeepMind Unveils New Approach to Meta-Learning

Google DeepMind has developed a method of training neural networks to learn new tasks with limited data.
Meta-learning is crucial for developing adaptable and generalized AI systems capable of broad problem-solving. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

MIT Researchers Introduce Groundbreaking AI Method to Enhance Neural Network Interpretability

MIT researchers have developed an AI method called automated interpretability agents (AIAs) that autonomously experiment on and explain the behavior of neural networks.
The AIAs actively engage in hypothesis formation, experimental testing, and iterative learning to understand intricate neural networks, such as GPT-4.
The researchers introduced a benchmark called FIND to assess the accuracy and quality of explanations for real-world network components, but acknowledge challenges in accurately describing certain functions. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

New AI tool can forge a user's handwriting instantly - and convincingly, researchers say

Computer scientists in the Middle East have created an AI program that can mimic human handwriting at an indistinguishable level.
The breakthrough was made by using a computer neural network known as 'vision transformers' to analyze handwritten text and capture a person's writing style. [ more ]
11 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Google Bard cheat sheet: What is Bard, and how can you access it?

Bard is Google's artificial intelligence chatbot which generates responses to user-provided natural language prompts.In response to a prompt, Bard can pull information from the internet and present a response.The large language model behind Bard delivers the response in natural language - in contrast to a standard Google search, where a result consists of a snippet of information or a list of links.
11 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Generative AI that can change anyone's race is probably not a great idea

The worst thing about this hyperspeed artificial intelligence race is that, even if you are used to expecting the unexpected, the bloody thing keeps surprising you by opening new cans of worms every other day.And this weekly roundup has truck-size cans overflowing with worms the size of elephant trunks among the release of Stability.ai's
1 year ago
Data science

Announcing the Topic Tracks for ODSC Europe 2023

Designed to help you identify the sessions that best fit your interests and learning goals, the ODSC Europe 2023 tracks highlight the data science and AI fields that are helping to build the future.You'll learn about the latest research, topics, and tools from the leading experts in their respective fields.
Ars Technica
1 year ago

OpenAI peeks into the "black box" of neural networks with new research

On Tuesday, OpenAI published a new research paper detailing a technique that uses its GPT-4 language model to write explanations for the behavior of neurons in its older GPT-2 model, albeit imperfectly.It's a step forward for "interpretability," which is a field of AI that seeks to explain why neural networks create the outputs they do.
1 year ago
UX design

Designing for Different Age Groups

UI/UX design should be easy to use.This is the first and still golden rule of the UI/UX design solutions since everything gets started from the user experience and is being built in order to be comfortable and intuitive.However, it can be a tricky task and most UI/UX designers know it for sure since user groups differ a lot: in terms of age, nationality and gender.
1 year ago
Tech industry

How to Become an Expert on A.I.

Welcome to On Tech: A.I., a pop-up newsletter that will teach you about artificial intelligence, especially the new breed of chatbots like ChatGPT all in only five days.We'll tackle some of the big themes and questions around A.I.By the end of the week, you'll know enough to command the room at a dinner party, or impress your co-workers.
1 year ago
Tech industry

Artificial Intelligence Glossary: Neural Networks and Other Terms Explained

We've compiled a list of phrases and concepts useful to understanding artificial intelligence, in particular the new breed of A.I.-enabled chatbots like ChatGPT, Bing and Bard.If you don't understand these explanations, or would like to learn more, you might want to consider asking the chatbots themselves.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Researchers Use AI to Generate Images Based on People's Brain Activity

What if an AI could interpret your imagination, turning images in your mind's eye into reality?While that sounds like a detail in a cyberpunk novel, researchers have now accomplished exactly this, according to a recently-published paper.Researchers found that they could reconstruct high-resolution and highly accurate images from brain activity by using the popular Stable Diffusion image generation model, as outlined in a paper published in December.
1 year ago
Data science

After 70,000 Hours of Viewing Minecraft, OpenAI's Bot is Ready to Play

A new player is ready as a bot from OpenAI has watched 70,000 hours of players on Minecraft and is ready to game.According to a report from the MIT Technology Review, a bot was trained on tens of thousands of hours of players playing the popular sandbox title.Now it's able to complete complex actions, such as crafting in-game diamond tools - a task that would take well-versed human players at least twenty minutes.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Biden urged to appoint AI officers to regulate the tech

The US National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee has urged President Joe Biden to fill key positions and create new organizations to address rising societal concerns with AI models, in its upcoming first report.The US government has been criticized for being slow to regulate the technology, and has been lagging behind the European Union and China in drafting policies and laws to tackle safety risks.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

That Viral Image of the Swagged Out Pope Is an AI Fake, Dummies

Drip God
Did they fool you?Those mega-viral images of Pope Francis looking fresh to death in a pristine white puffer are AI-generated fakes.As Snopes reports, that pic of Il Papa that went viral over the weekend is, as lots of people suspected, a fake - and, as always, the debunking site has the receipts to prove it.
1 year ago
Digital life

Researchers Discover a More Flexible Approach to Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence researchers have celebrated a string of successes with neural networks, computer programs that roughly mimic how our brains are organized.But despite rapid progress, neural networks remain relatively inflexible, with little ability to change on the fly or adjust to unfamiliar circumstances.
1 year ago
Digital life

Optical AI Could Feed Voracious Data Needs

A brain-imitating neural network that employs photons instead of electrons could rapidly analyze vast amounts of data by running many computations simultaneously using thousands of wavelengths of light, a new study finds.Artificial neural networks are increasingly finding use in applications such as analyzing medical scans and supporting autonomous vehicles.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Nvidia's Magic3D creates 3D models from written descriptions, thanks to AI

On Friday, researchers from Nvidia announced Magic3D, an AI model that can generate 3D models from text descriptions.After entering a prompt such as, "A blue poison-dart frog sitting on a water lily," Magic3D generates a 3D mesh model, complete with colored texture, in about 40 minutes.With modifications, the resulting model can be used in video games or CGI art scenes.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Hungry for AI? New supercomputer contains 16 dinner-plate-size chips

On Monday, Cerebras Systems unveiled its 13.5 million core Andromeda AI supercomputer for deep learning, reports Reuters.According Cerebras, Andromeda delivers over one 1 exaflop (1 quintillion operations per second) of AI computational power at 16-bit half precision.The Andromeda is itself a cluster of 16 Cerebras C-2 computers linked together.
1 year ago
Data science

Detecting Adversarial Attacks with Subset Scanning

Deep neural networks are susceptible to adversarial perturbations of their input data that can cause a sample to be incorrectly classified.These perturbations contain small variations in the pixel space that cannot be detected by a human but can change the output of a classifier.Reliably detecting attacks in a given set of inputs is of high practical relevance due to the vulnerability of neural networks to adversarial examples.
1 year ago
Data science

TensorFlow Ecosystem for Efficient Deep Learning

Deep Learning today is a powerful and widely used tool for Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.Compared to traditional neural networks, deep learning can more effectively model complex patterns in data.This is due to its ability to learn multiple levels of representation, from low-level features to high-level concepts.
Berlin Art Link
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Quantum Blurs and AI Muses | Berlin Art Link

by Julia Mazal // Dec. 9, 2022
Berlin-based Polish artist, Roman Lipski began working with AI software to expand his artistic process in 2016.Together with Florian Dohmann, computer scientist and co-founder of AI consultancy firm Birds On Mars, he developed the "Artificial Muse," a deep learning program trained on Lipski's paintings-his use of color, composition, contrast, and texture.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

MIT solved a century-old differential equation to break 'liquid' AI's computational bottleneck | Engadget

IGphotography via Getty Images  Last year, MIT developed an AI/ML algorithm capable of learning and adapting to new information while on the job, not just during its initial training phase.These "liquid" neural networks (in the sense) literally play 4D chess - their models requiring time-series data to operate - which makes them ideal for use in time-sensitive tasks like pacemaker monitoring, weather forecasting, investment forecasting, or autonomous vehicle navigation.
1 year ago
Business intelligence

What is data mining?

Data mining tools can collect and analyze data in much the same way a human can, but much faster.Learn what data mining is, how it works and how to use it effectively.
1 year ago
Data science

Vectara's AI-based neural search-as-a-service challenges keyword-based searches

Is there a better way to build a search tool that produces more highly relevant results than just using keyword-based techniques?
1 week ago
OMG science

Studying Mouse Reactions to an Optical Illusion Can Teach Us about Consciousness

Optical illusions reveal insights into visual perception in mice by studying the neon-color-spreading illusion. [ more ]
4 days ago
Artificial intelligence

AWS CISO: In AI gold rush, folks forget application security

Corporations rushing to implement AI overlook application security, especially in generative AI.
Securing AI involves three layers: training environment, tools for running applications, and application security on top.
Lack of attention to application security in AI deployment poses risks of data misuse and exploitation. [ more ]
3 days ago
Artificial intelligence

How does ChatGPT 'think'? Psychology and neuroscience crack open AI large language models

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems based on machine learning, particularly neural networks, are often seen as inscrutable 'black boxes' due to their complex inner workings and the inability of developers to fully understand the reasoning behind their decisions. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Machine Learning vs. Artificial Intelligence: How ML and AI Are Related (2024) - Shopify

Artificial neural networks in computer science mimic human intelligence for complex tasks like chatting with customers or writing software applications. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

AI vs. Neural Networks: Unraveling the Differences

AI focuses on creating intelligent machines for human-like tasks.
Different types of AI include symbolic AI, machine learning, and deep learning. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

In One Key A.I. Metric, China Pulls Ahead of the U.S.: Talent

China leads in producing A.I. talent, generating almost half the world's top A.I. researchers.
The United States previously benefited from Chinese talent but now faces a significant shift as more researchers stay in China. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

How do neural networks learn? A mathematical formula explains how they detect relevant patterns

Neural networks are powerful but often viewed as black boxes by engineers.
Researchers at UC San Diego developed a formula to explain how neural networks learn and make predictions. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Selective Forgetting Can Help AI Learn Better

A new machine learning model must periodically forget information to improve flexibility and understanding of language.
The new approach aims to address limitations of traditional AI language models, such as the need for extensive computing power and difficulty in adapting to changes. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

66 Years Ago, the U.S. Navy Predicted Humanlike Machines Based On This Technology

The Perceptron introduced in 1958 laid the foundations for AI with its learning capabilities and prediction mechanisms.
Modern AI systems, like neural networks, have roots in the Perceptron, but with more layers, nodes, and connections for enhanced performance. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Generative AI Defined: How It Works, Benefits and Dangers

Generative AI can create text, images, and code based on user prompts.
Deep learning and neural networks are essential components of generative AI models. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

NTIA explores the benefits and risks of open-weight AI models

Open-weight AI systems utilize weighted values to create neural networks.
NTIA seeks public input on navigating the benefits and risks of open-weight AI models. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

1X robotics company showcases its androids driven by neural networks

1X lauded the capabilities of its robots, sharing details on various learnings installed through data.
The company believes its ability to teach robots is no longer restricted by the number or availability of AI engineers, resulting in flexibility and choices to meet customer demand. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

Website produces fake IDs using 'neural networks'

OnlyFake website produces realistic fake IDs using neural networks.
Concerns raised about identity theft due to the authenticity of the fake IDs.
Website went offline after claiming to be against fraud and intended for legal use only. [ more ]
IEEE Spectrum
3 months ago
Data science

MIT and IBM Find AI Shortcuts Through Brute-Force Math

Researchers have found a new way to use brain-inspired neural networks to solve equations more efficiently.
The new approach uses physics simulators to train neural networks to match the output of high-precision numerical systems. [ more ]
3 months ago
Data science

Truly understanding neural networks through its implementation in C#

Neural networks are a computational model inspired by the human brain that can process data inputs, recognize patterns, and make predictions.
Logistic regression is a statistical method used for binary classification problems, but it has limitations compared to deep learning. [ more ]
3 months ago
Data science

Truly understanding neural networks through its implementation in C#

Neural networks are a computational model inspired by the human brain that can process data inputs, recognize patterns, and make predictions.
Logistic regression is a statistical method used for binary classification problems, but it has limitations compared to deep learning. [ more ]
5 months ago
Data science

The mind's eye of a neural network system

Neural networks struggle to trace errors due to their complex architecture.
A new tool developed at Purdue University helps identify errors in neural networks.
The tool is useful for high-stakes decision-making scenarios and image prediction tasks. [ more ]
11 months ago
Data science

Origins of Generative AI and Natural Language Processing with ChatGPT

By now you've likely heard of ChatGPT, and the varying opinions surrounding it - people love it, people hate it, and people are afraid of it.It can generate a recipe for chocolate chip cookies, write a Broadway-style song about your kids, and create usable code.Joining in on the fun, we used ChatGPT to help us explore some of the key innovations over the past 50 years of AI.
1966: ELIZA In 1966, a chatbot called ELIZA took the computer science world by storm.
11 months ago
Data science

Google AI Unveils JaxPruner: A Powerful Open-Source Library for Pruning and Sparse Training in...

Google AI has released an open-source pruning and sparse training library for machine learning researchers called JaxPruner.The library was created to provide a comprehensive toolkit that would make it easier for researchers to quickly develop and assess sparsity concepts against various dynamic benchmarks.
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Truly understanding neural networks through its implementation in C#

Neural networks are a computational model inspired by the human brain that can process data inputs, recognize patterns, and make predictions.
Logistic regression is a statistical method used for binary classification problems, but it has limitations compared to deep learning. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Scientists Preparing to Turn on Computer Intended to Simulate Entire Human Brain

Researchers at Western Sydney University, Intel, and Dell are collaborating to build a supercomputer called DeepSouth that can simulate neural networks at the scale of the human brain.
DeepSouth is capable of emulating networks of spiking neurons at a rate of 228 trillion synaptic operations per second, on par with the human brain's estimated rate of operations. [ more ]
11 months ago

You Can Probably Beat ChatGPT at These Math Brainteasers. Here's Why

It turns out that if you want to solve a brainteaser, it helps to have a brain.ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence systems are earning accolades for feats that include diagnosing medical conditions, acing an IQ test and summarizing scientific papers.But Scientific American wanted to see what would happen if the bot went head to head with the legacy of legendary puzzle maker Martin Gardner, longtime author of our Mathematical Games column, who passed away in 2010.
Washington Post
1 year ago

What does a hoot look like? What about a croak? Or a howl?

Vivid images used by scientists capture sounds that soothe and nurture us - and some that jar the natural soundscape
This story best experienced with sound

Warning: This graphic requires JavaScript.Please enable JavaScript for the best experience.Listen to a dawn chorus from Mungwezi Ranch in Zimbabwe's Gonarezhou National Park.
11 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Writers Furious When Fanfiction Site Won't Ban AI-Generated Work

Fandom Fracas
Writers are threatening to pull their stories from Archive of Our Own (AO3), one of the world's largest fanfiction websites, after staff posted that they will not prohibit the publication of artificial intelligence-generated fanfiction on the website.Typifying the anger, one Twitter user wrote that they "would rather have one hundred thousand unreadably bad human-written fics added to AO3 every day than one AI fic."
1 year ago
UK news

A-level students still learning about floppy disks but not AI, Parliament told

A-level computer science students are still learning about floppy disks, but not artificial intelligence (AI), Parliament was told.Labour peer Lord Knight of Weymouth, chief education adviser at TES Global Ltd, a digital education company, told peers he met an A-level student at the weekend who revealed this.
1 year ago
Digital life

Training Machines to Learn More Like Humans Do

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Toyota subsidiary Woven Planet found computer vision models can be trained to produce more stable, predictable visual representations, similar to those humans learn through perceptual straightening.The researchers taught the models millions of examples via adversarial training, which enhanced their perceptual straightness while reducing their reactivity to slight errors within images.
1 year ago
Digital life

This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain on Code

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers determined that the brain's demand and language systems encode specific code properties that correlate with machine-learned representations.The researchers performed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans of programmers' brains as they processed computer program elements and saw a difference in encoding properties related to dynamic analysis, in which information is encoded much better in the brain's multiple demand network compared to the language processing center.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

ChatGPT's Dirty Secret: It's Powered by "Grunts" Making $15 Per Hour

Training Day
OpenAI's finances are all over the place, but one thing is clear - not much of the money it spends or earns is going to the low-wage contract workers hired to train its AI.Two OpenAI contractors revealed to NBC News that the kind of work that goes into training large language models (LLMs) like those behind ChatGPT is very much "grunt work" - though in the case of these two individuals, they're pretty happy to be doing it.
Rise of artificial intelligence is inevitable but should not be feared, ‘father of AI’ says @Reboot_Comm #vipss
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Rise of artificial intelligence is inevitable but should not be feared, father of AI' says

The man once described as the father of artificial intelligence is breaking ranks with many of his contemporaries who are fearful of the AI arms race, saying what is coming is inevitable and we should learn to embrace it.Prof Jurgen Schmidhuber's work on neural networks in the 1990s was developed into language-processing models that went on to be used in technologies such as Google Translate and Apple's Siri.
1 year ago

Facial recognition: How does the tech being used to police the King's Coronation work?

This means the coronation will be the largest-ever use of mass surveillance face-scanning technology in public spaces in UK history.The Met Police says it will be watching out for people in the crowds at locations like Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and the Royal Mile who, for instance, are either wanted for offences or have an outstanding arrest warrant in order to keep the public safe.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

How AI is helping astronomers discover new knowledge about the universe

The famous first image of a black hole just got two times sharper.A research team used artificial intelligence to dramatically improve upon its first image from 2019, which now shows the black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy as darker and bigger than the first image depicted.I'm an astronomer who studies and has written about cosmology, black holes, and exoplanets.
Document Journal
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

'The Godfather of AI' speaks out about the dangers of the technology he helped create

Geoffrey Hinton has left Google, joining the chorus of industry leaders warning against the race to deploy new AI models

Amidst the boom in generative tech, sentiments around AI are rapidly shifting.After OpenAI released a new version of ChatGPT in March, over a thousand leading experts in the field-including the likes of Elon Musk-signed an open letter calling for a six-month halt on further development, citing "profound risks to society and humanity."
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

AI 'godfather' quits Google and voices fears about the field DW 05/02/2023

TechnologyUnited States of America 48 minutes ago48 minutes ago Geoffrey Hinton told the NYT scientists should make sure they are in control of AI before they expand it further.The AI pioneer warned of the technology's ability to create convincing hoaxes.Artificial intelligence pioneer Geoffrey Hinton, often dubbed the "godfather of AI," has quit Google, as he attempts to shed more light on what he says are the many dangers of the technology, free of any employment restrictions.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Top Google boffin Geoffrey Hinton quits, warns of AI danger

Geoffrey Hinton, a pioneer in machine learning who is best-known for his research of neural networks, has resigned from Google to speak freely about the dangers of AI.Hinton, 75, a computer science professor at the University of Toronto and a former Google top researcher, began studying neural nets long before they were in vogue.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Warning of AI's danger, pioneer Geoffrey Hinton quits Google to speak freely

According to The New York Times, AI pioneer Dr. Geoffrey Hinton has resigned from Google so he can "speak freely" about potential risks posed by AI.Hinton, who helped create some of the fundamental technology behind today's generative AI systems, fears that the tech industry's drive to develop AI products could result in dangerous consequences-from misinformation to job loss or even a threat to humanity.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Godfather of AI Quits Google, Fears AI's Risks and Regrets His Work

Alarm Bells
Geoffrey Hinton, as one of the foremost pioneers of artificial intelligence, is often hailed as the "godfather of AI." His seminal work in neural networks won him the attention of Google, where he's worked for over a decade, and eventually even a Turing Award, the most prestigious prize in computer science.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

'Godfather of AI' leaves Google amid ethical concerns | Engadget

One of the pioneers of artificial intelligence has made a high-profile exit.Geoffrey Hinton, nicknamed the "godfather of AI," tells The New York Times he resigned as Google VP and engineering fellow in April to freely warn of the risks associated with the technology.The researcher is concerned that Google is giving up its previous restraint on public AI releases in a bid to compete with ChatGPT, Bing Chat and similar models, opening the door to multiple ethical problems.
1 year ago
Data science

Fast Option Pricing Using Deep Learning Methods

Editor's note: Chakri Cherukuri is a speaker for ODSC Europe 2023 this June.Be sure to check out his talk, "Fast Option Pricing Using Deep Learning Methods," there!In finance, options are financial instruments that give the holder the right to buy ( Call option) or sell ( Put option) the underlying asset (price S) at a fixed price (Strike K) on (or before) a fixed date (Maturity T).
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Watch an A.I. Learn to Write by Reading Nothing but Jane Austen

The core of an artificial intelligence program like ChatGPT is something called a large language model: an algorithm that mimics the form of written language.While the inner workings of these algorithms are notoriously difficult to decipher, the basic idea behind them is surprisingly simple.They are trained on mountains of internet text, by going through them a few sentences or paragraphs at a time, repeatedly guessing the next word (or word fragment) and then grading themselves against the real thing.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

The problem with artificial intelligence? It's not artificial or intelligent | Evgeny Morozov

Elon Musk and Apple's co-founder Steve Wozniak have recently signed a letter calling for a six-month moratorium on the development of AI systems.The goal is to give society time to adapt to what the signatories describe as an AI summer, which they believe will ultimately benefit humanity, as long as the right guardrails are put in place.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Godfather of AI Says There's a Minor Risk It'll Eliminate Humanity

Nonzero Chance
Geoffrey Hinton, a British computer scientist, is best known as the "godfather of artificial intelligence."His seminal work on neural networks broke the mold by mimicking the processes of human cognition, and went on to form the foundation of machine learning models today.And now, in a lengthy interview with CBS News, Hinton shared his thoughts on the current state of AI, which he fashions to be in a "pivotal moment," with the advent of artificial general intelligence (AGI) looming closer than we'd think.
1 year ago

To book or audiobook? That is not the question

Is listening to an audiobook the same as reading it?Am I cheating if I go to my book club having listened to the novel instead of reading it?Daniel Willingham, a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Virginia and author of The Reading Mind: A Cognitive Approach to Understanding How the Mind Reads, says that these are the questions he has to answer most; after conducting many experiments in his lab and writing a book, he is considered an expert on the subject.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Large language models also work for protein structures

The success of ChatGPT and its competitors is based on what's termed emergent behaviors.These systems, called large language models (LLMs), weren't trained to output natural-sounding language (or effective malware); they were simply tasked with tracking the statistics of word usage.But, given a large enough training set of language samples and a sufficiently complex neural network, their training resulted in an internal representation that "understood" English usage and a large compendium of facts.
1 year ago

Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm: Neural Nets for Dummies

Neural Nets sound sexy and interesting.But what are they exactly?How do they achieve their magic and most importantly, can you build one without being an expert data scientist?In this article I'm going to show you the basics of neural networks and how you can implement one yourself using existing tools.
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

'AI will become the new normal': how the art world's technological boom is changing the industry

Art created using artificial intelligence (AI) is burgeoning.From commercial gallery shows-including Jon Rafman's large-scale, algorithmically generated paintings at Sprüth Magers in London ( Ebrah k'dabri, until 25 March)-to the PATH-AI artist residency organised in collaboration with London's Somerset House, AI-related art projects are springing up everywhere.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Inside the Studio With an AI-Guided Painting Robot

To help illustrate our cover story on how the AI arms race is changing the world, we reached out to award-winning AI artist Pindar Van Arman, who uses artificial intelligence to create his art.Van Arman, who built his first painting robot 15 years ago, uses deep learning neural networks, artificial intelligence, feedback loops, and computational creativity to guide his newer robots.
The Verge
1 year ago

Why won't TikTok confirm the Bold Glamour filter is AI?

If you've scrolled through TikTok over the past week, you've probably seen a video that goes something like this: a woman looks amazed as she stares at her face in the camera.She touches her lips, her eyelids, her cheeks, as if questioning that the parts of her face could actually be real."It's not me at all," one user said.
Creative Bloq
1 year ago
Graphic design

Finally, a tool to protect artists' work from AI image generators

(Image credit: University of Chicago)
With the latest generation of AI art generators riding roughshod over intellectual property rights, it was about time that someone created a tool that can protect artists' work.Sure enough, researchers have now developed a program that aims to prevent artists' styles from being copied.
1 year ago

I Reviewed the Music People Listen to in an MDMA-Assisted Therapy Trial

Have you ever wondered what people listen to when undergoing MDMA-assisted therapy?I'm guessing you probably haven't.If you have, then wow what an inquisitive mind you have.But maybe you aren't even aware how MDMA-trials work.I'll tell you.A short while ago, VICE interviewed Petra Skeffington, an Associate Professor of Psychology at Perth's Murdoch University, who's currently one of the researchers behind Australia's first MDMA-Assisted therapy trial.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

I Coaxed ChatGPT Into a Deeply Unsettling BDSM Relationship

ChatGPT is a convincing chatbot, essayist, and screenwriter, but it's also a fountain of boundless depravityif you deceive it into bending the rules.At first glance, OpenAI's ChatGPT seems to have stricter guidelines than other chatbots, like Bing's, which is now infamous for showering its users with aggressive outbursts.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Why Chatbots Sometimes Act Weird and Spout Nonsense

Microsoft released a new version of its Bing search engine last week, and unlike an ordinary search engine it includes a chatbot that can answer questions in clear, concise prose.Since then, people have noticed that some of what the Bing chatbot generates is inaccurate, misleading and downright weird, prompting fears that it has become sentient, or aware of the world around it.
1 year ago
Data science

Why Data Scale Size Matters When It Comes to Improving Deep Learning Model Stability

Deep learning is one of the most crucial tools for analyzing massive amounts of data.It informs decision-making in every sector, adapting to accuracy the more humans feed it with knowledge.However, there is such a prospect as too much information, as deep learning's job is to find patterns and connections between data points to inform humanity's questions and affirm assertions.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

1923 cartoon predicts 2023's AI art generators

In 1923, an editorial cartoonist named H.T. Webster drew a humorous cartoon for the New York World newspaper depicting a fictional 2023 machine that would generate ideas and draw them as cartoons automatically.It presaged recent advancements in AI image synthesis, one century later, that actually can create artwork automatically.
1 year ago
Data science

How Exposing AI to Adversarial Training Can Revolutionize How AI Works

Researchers from Los Alamos National Laboratory are working on a way to help artificial intelligence researchers comprehend neural network behavior.In doing so, they found an interesting surprise.As neural networks are being employed in more fields, understanding how and why they operate is going to become more important, especially with tools such as facial recognition, and autonomous cars, becoming more prevalent in society.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Artists Furious About AI That Draws Stylized Portraits of People

Over the past year, AI generated images have skyrocketed in popularity, even featuring on magazine covers and winning art competitions, thanks to an onslaught of new generators that can come up with new pieces of art for free or a small fee.Lensa, a new AI-powered image generating app can whip up stylized portraits from ten to 20 input images that a user uploads of themselves or somebody else, has reignited a heated debate over whether human artists are being unfairly ripped off by having their work remixed without permission.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

OpenAI tweaks ChatGPT to avoid dangerous AI information

In brief OpenAI has released a new language model named ChatGPT this week, which is designed to mimic human conversations.The model is based on the company's latest text-generation GPT-3.5 system released earlier this year.ChatGPT is more conversational than previous versions.It can ask users follow-up questions and refrain from responding to inappropriate inputs instead of just generating text.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Disney built an AI that can easily make actors look younger or older | Engadget

Disney   researchers have an artificial intelligence system that seemingly makes it far easier to make an actor appear younger or older in a scene.While artists will still be able to make manual adjustments to make sure the effect looks as realistic as possible, the AI tool could take care of most of the heavy lifting.
TNW | Neural
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Flawless AI's 'True Sync' tech is a revolution for film dubbing

When British director Scott Mann's latest film, Fall, was on the precipice of receiving an "R" rating from the MPAA over the number of "F" bombs dropped over its one hour and 47-minute run time, he did what any reasonable person would: he used artificial intelligence to digitally alter the actor's performances in order to change the swear words into more palatable terms.
1 year ago
Data science

How to Find Duplicates in a Corpus with NLP, Understanding Your Neural Network's Predictions, and a...

How to Find Duplicates (and Near-Duplicates) in a Corpus with NLP In this article, we'll call the profileText action, pull down output tables, and perform duplicate identification in Python.Understanding Your Neural Network's Predictions Use this concise guide to assess your neural network's feature importance.
1 year ago
Data science

Machine Learning + Geography =

Utilizing neural networks in spatial data analysis
Earth Sciences need to process, often in real-time, datasets of complex internal structure, various resolutions, a multitude of formats, and significant volume.Spatial data may originate from observations made during field research, aerial and satellite imaging, wearable sensors, and more.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Adludio Enhances its AI-Powered Platform to Help Clients Win the Battle for Brand Attention

Adludio, the global AI-powered platform that delivers interactive mobile advertising, today (November 16th, 2022) announces major enhancements to its technological capabilities which goes far beyond what is standard in the industry.With an emphasis on Deep Learning running through the platform, this is enabling a level of measurement and actionable insights for Adludio's global clients that will help them win the battle for brand attention.
1 year ago

How AI software will change architecture and design

AI text-to-image software like Midjourney, DALL-E and Stable Diffusion has the potential to change the way that architects approach the creation and concept stages of designing buildings and products, experts say.In the past year, numerous technology companies have released software that uses AI systems called neural networks to convert users' text inputs into AI-generated images.
1 year ago
Data science

How to Choose the Right Activation Function for Neural Networks

Every neural network needs at least one activation function to make accurate predictions.It's at the heart of the processing capabilities.Choosing the right one can result in a precise, high-performance network consistently delivering the desired results.Data scientists can use an easy process to determine what activation function is the right fit for their systems.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

New Go-playing trick defeats world-class Go AI-but loses to human amateurs

In the world of deep-learning AI, the ancient board game Go looms large.Until 2016, the best human Go player could still defeat the strongest Go-playing AI.That changed with DeepMind's AlphaGo, which used deep-learning neural networks to teach itself the game at a level humans cannot match.More recently, KataGo has become popular as an open source Go-playing AI that can beat top-ranking human Go players.
1 year ago

Poor Self-Esteem Runs in the Family. Here's How to Break the Cycle.

Self-esteem is a lot like Ikea furniture - few parents know how to build it correctly, and a lot of kids risk getting hurt because of it.Scientists suspect that the key to developing self-esteem is starting early, when children are young and their brains are still developing.This is part of the reason that low self-esteem seems to run in the family.
LogRocket Blog
1 year ago
Growth hacking

The product canvas: How to build one in 9 steps (with examples) - LogRocket Blog

The most common reason that a product fails is because the focus is on the technology that is used in the product and not the problem that it is solving.To avoid falling into this trap, you need to make sure that you are clear on the scope and the practical application of the product.Once you understand what to do and how to do it, the rest of the process becomes easier.
1 year ago
Data science

DeepMind Discovers New Way to Crank Up Computer Speeds & Multiply Numbers

It seems an artificial intelligence program created by DeepMind has discovered a new method of improving matrix multiplication.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft takes AI image generation mainstream, strolling into ethics minefield

During a Surface press event today, Microsoft announced integrations of AI-powered image-generation technology into its Bing search engine, Edge browser, and a new Office app called Microsoft Designer.
1 year ago
Data science

Elon Musk Unleashes Humanoid Tesla Bot & More During Tesla's AI Day

The age of the machines might come sooner than we thought.During Tesla's AI Day, Elon Musk introduced to the world a humanoid robot, known as the Tesla Bot or Optimus for Transformers fans.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Lab explores using AI helping cops catch criminals - EFF

In brief America's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is looking into how AI technologies can be used to create a "Digital Police Officer" or "D-PO" in the future.
Washington Post
1 year ago

Meet Cassie, the Usain Bolt of robots

In 2021, when the team had Cassie run a 5K, it learned a few things.Since 2017, the team has been training Cassie how to walk properly, using algorithms to reward the robot when it moves appropriately.With this year's successful 100-meter dash, the team is moving on to the next step: putting a torso and head on Cassie.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Top Facebook Scientist Quietly Plotting "Autonomous" AIs

As the rest of the company is mandated to work towards Mark Zuckerberg's metaverse dreams, Facebook's artificial intelligence chief is quietly building a roadmap towards "autonomous" machine intelligence.
1 year ago
Data science

Data Science Research Round-Up, GPT-3 Business Use Cases, and Choosing the Right Activation...

2022 has been a big year for AI news and data science research across the board.Here are our picks for some standout papers that we've read this year.
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